Tuesday, February 19, 2008

$495 billion dollars spent on the Iraq War.

  • $275 million per day
  • $4,100 per household
  • Almost 4,000 U.S. soldiers killed and more than 60,000 wounded
  • 700,000 Iraqis killed and 4 million refugees

Source: http://www.nationalpriorities.org/costofwar_home

And it's not only the money thing. It's how we are endangering the future of the world, sacrificing our safety, and ignoring not only our pre-war-existing domestic issues, but the issues and realities that this war is creating for far too many people.


Graphic images depicting the harsh reality of the Human Costs of this war can be seen below. Click the images to view them in their original size.

Images are appearing courtesy of http://www.tryworks.org

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

US Senate Votes Immunity For Telecoms

Straight from Slashdot's presess:

Ktistec Machine writes to let us know that the telecom companies are one step closer to getting off the hook for their illegal collusion with the US government. Today the US Senate passed, by a filibuster-proof majority of 67 to 31, a revised FISA bill that grants retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies that helped the government illegally tap American network traffic. If passed by both houses and signed by the President, this would effectively put an end to the many lawsuits against these companies (about 40 have been filed). The House version of the bill does not presently contain an immunity provision.

Pre$ident Bu$h has said he will veto any such bill that reaches his desk without the grant of immunity.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Words on our Statue of Liberty

Worth reading and thinking about again..... 
Especially in these days of greed and false gods.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008