Monday, January 23, 2006

i hate it when..... GF coughs in my ear over the phone- her voice is shrill and it fucking hurts and she knows it; cellphone beeps in the same ear when it loses it's fucking signal;

.....i tell someone good morning everyfuckingday and am met with everfurtive disdain; repair dudes are rude over the phone because you want to give them an alternate phone number to reach you at 'cause you'd really like that HDTV to be working;

.....ticketing agents get a rude attitude over the phone because you want to know why there's a difference in price and they can't fucking tell you why;'s almost all i can do to not claw my eyes out because i'm having such a shitty day in the first fucking place.

.....all i want to do is go the fuck home and i can't because i carpooled for the good of the faddahfucking planet and don't have a car.

Not my most funnest of days. Throwing the cellphone away is gonna be a GODDAMN blessing.

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