Friday, August 24, 2007

Konkgresshunnal Hickkupssssssssss.....

I just signed a petition calling on my Representative to reject the Bush Administration's sweeping claims of executive privilege and to take whatever steps are necessary to enforce these subpoenas, including supporting a resolution holding Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten in contempt.

Our President and Vice President keep trying to reshape the Constitution and declare themselves above the law. Congress must stand up for itself and protect our constitutional checks and balances!

One of the next steps Congress can take is to vote to hold Miers and Bolten in contempt. President Bush is trying to block Congressional oversight with blanket claims of executive privilege. The president has even ordered the Department of Justice not to enforce charges of Contempt of Congress. But Congress needs to fight this fight and send the president a message that its authority will not be ignored.

Click here to sign the petition:

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