Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pneumatic Lottery (version2)

From a glance to a notice to a gaze to a stare
Taking time to take some inventories
Of other ages
.....and times
Of suggestions
.....and being blind

Such a rain has never poured over this earth
So much that adversarial beings take shelter together
And sometimes the safest harbour
Is not the one that you expect

A whitefire-cool goddess looms in the distance
She is untouchable, remote, beautiful to all who
behold her; if we could just hold her for a minute!
These crops could grow strong and blessings
and not-floods would be the soup du jour.

Stuck here, we are. Trapped inside because
the air outside is swimming in seas, rolling
in rivers, gushing down the blessed sky-waters,
that we desperately need.




I must breathe and hold my breath together.

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