Friday, July 18, 2008

When can I go campin' again???

Replacing a watch battery will soon educate one about the robust watch battery replacement business that apparently happens online.

Today, is a good day. Rode one of my motorcycles to work (the Bandit 1200) and am looking forward to seeing a lot of my friends this weekend. Bonfire (!- I hang out with Satan) and then a going away party. Then a hang out and catch up. Gonna be a busy one, for sure.

But I'd rather live it thissa way instead of thatta way, ya dig?

Met a bunch of wonderful wimmins this week; had some chemistry. Bada schwing! Opening myself back up is scary, but needed, 'cause the soul has been starved.

BTW, have you ever read "Women Who Run with The Wolves"? If you are a woman, het-femme, lesbian, womyn, MTF, or whatever, you need to read it. Written by Dr. Clara Pinkola Estes, PhD. I spent three days in the forest alone with this book and it rocked my world. It's a psychological fucking bible that must become part of your library.


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