These fuckers have been living high on the hog for too many years. They need to be taken down like a french louie. Do you recognise the other cocknocker in the pic? I'll give you a hint- these are your Vietnam War architects..... Cheney and Rumsfeld. Don't it make you a little bit suspicious that these assfuckers have been humping the whiteyhouse for fucking decades, now?
So, this asshole is coming to my town tomorrow. Every cocknobbin' republican't is bending over backward to accomodate the motorcade and security and shit. The thing that pisses me off is that most people don't even want his dumb ass to visit and he's totally gonna be fuckin' up the day for a lot of people here on campus. Commuter students will be displaced (we already have parking problems!) and regular business cannot be conducted at certain places.
Why is Dick Fuckin' Ass Cheney so special? WTF has he done that merits all of this special accomdation for a 2 hour poop-pass to a university? He should be banned from our campus. The deceits, the cover-ups, the spin politics (that means lying), the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi's, not to mention our own military's (more dead poor people), the spending/deficit/recession/economic collapse that is coming..... for fuck's sake, I could go on and on about the bad things that this person has done.
At least his fuckin' daughter is a lesbian. Maybe I'll have sex with her one day, like spend the night with her at her parents house and come downstairs for coffee the next morning. Maybe TheCheney Mama will make me some pussy-shaped pancakes. I'll ask, at least.
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