Saturday, January 21, 2006

icky and trubble

the cutest kittens in the world have been on my lap this morning- if i get up outta bed at an outrageous hour, so do they. and they love watching the computer screen, throwing in a helping paw to try and catch the cursor and mouse movements.

anyway, like i was alluding to, waking came in the middle of the night for me and never quite went away. i was going to post my anecdote a bit earlier, but there are some problems at the backbone level of my isp- i'm lucky that the font and colour changes that i made to this page stuck. glad that i'm not responsible for big, major shit like that.....

listening to shoutcast punk radio since my waking moment. got a healthy dose of bad religion, nofx, the clash and other kickass bands.

so, i wanna drink a cuppa javajumpjuice. the ickyputtems is tired of my typing. apparently, the act of me typing is interrupting her comfortscheduletime on my lap. my dammit, the ickyputtems is so cute when it looks up at me like that, with goldcat eyes.

if you are outraged that your president is gonna subpeona search engine enquires, why not do a search on google for something like, oh, "pig fucking presidents," or maybe "dubya is a snooping fuckturd."

i know that it has been said that vulgarities are the language of the uneducated, unarticulate, and the unimaginative. those same egotistical cognonauseumscenti can suck my fuckin' theoretical balls, suck my goddamn actual balls, and slobberknob my dog's dick. this asshole's grammer ain't neither eligible ner up for improvin'.


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