Friday, July 28, 2006

21 days

Been that long since I posted on here. Suffice to say, life gets in the way of blogging. Also, some of the events in the world of late have been enough to make sigh, shake my head, and wonder what the fuck people are thinking. Sometimes, I get tired of writing about all of the things that I perceive to be wrong with the planet, the ills that have plagued our societies from their inceptions.

Common sense is not a common factor. Political lines are about as crucial to the survival of humanity as are racial. Sigh..... All this death and destruction. For what? Oil and pride? Corporate profit? Why would people continue to wager the future so irresponsibly? I just can't stand it anymore. With that being said, I know that the earth has got to be spinning backward when the old jackass Newt and I both believe that World War III is just around the bend. Stay tuned.....

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