Thursday, March 08, 2007

New Tyre Friday

Whoo hoo! A new tyre with my name on it has arrived at my local-ish Kawasaki dealership. I'm very excited to be able to get my new bike on the road and ready for daily riding. That has been the best thing this week. That, and I finally get to hang out with my Janefriend for a couple of hours tonight.....

I'm also really happy with the Daily Kitten. It makes me happy to see a cute fuzzy moggie every once in awhile. With that being said, this country is still going down the crapper.

Bus$h wants to monitor every picture that is downloaded or uploaded to the web. Do yoiu realise that the planet generated over 161 exabytes of informational data last year? Wot the fuck do they think they'll actually do with all of that information???

Anyway, I'm off work for the day and will catch y'all on the flipside of another planetary revolution.....

1 comment:

Tennessee Jed said...

Rubber side down sister! New rubber too! I was thinking this a.m. how nice it would be to ride a two wheeler on such a fine day.