Monday, January 28, 2008

22 Years Ago....

I remember this day so well. There had been a big snow and we were home from school. I was at my grandparent's house, spending the day with them. Papaw was in his rocking chair and Mamaw was in the kitchen, heating up some left-overs for lunch; my brother was playing with some toys in the living room. I can't remember where Mom was; probably at work or doing something to take care of the cows. Aunt Renea was in her bedroom and Uncle Bobby was probably at work.

In addition to this great snow day, we were gonna get to watch the Challenger take off. Space shuttles were still new and exciting back then; whenever one took off, it was a big event. People gathered to watch. Our TV was tuned to CBS. I think Cronkite was still broadcasting back then.

In a few minutes would be The Countdown, then, The Takeoff. We never thought The Explosion would come after that.

We knew immediately that no one survived. How could anyone live through that? I'll never forget that day, as long as I live, for more reasons than just the Challenger exploding. It was a warm day in a cold snow with my family..... and I do not have those days anymore.

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