Monday, December 05, 2005

me, the universe, SUVs and crosswalks collide

It happenend to me again this morning. Someone tried to run over me in a crosswalk with an SUV. And then he gets mad about his poor little car getting punched by a pissed off muthafucka like me. And then he cusses me out. And then I cuss him out and we both have a really bad start to our fucking day.

To me, it seems logical that people driving cars should be careful around pedestrians. After all, we are not the ones in protective metal cages. And it seems that it would be logical to let a pedestrian cross in front of you, after you have stopped at the stop sign, to let them cross safely.

Hey, you know what? That shit isn't only fucking logical, it's the god damn mutha fuckin' law..... So tell me, why don't 'news' programs do civic-minded things and remind the cagedrivers about pedestrian law..... that pedestrians have the right of way?

Ah, but I'm just a crunchy old angrywoofdog. The assfuckholes driving their SUfuckingVs are more important than me in the grand scheme of Amerikan society. They must drive and breed and watch football games. They are using up the earth's resources faster than George W. Bu$h can say "Daddy, I need some money."

Fuck them. I am important and I will keep on defending my space inside of crosswalks, and I vow keep on trying to punch the windows out of their precious cars as they try to kill me. If I do in fact, die trying to walk across a street, maybe the assFuckHoles will learn to be a bit more fucking considerate with their cages.

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