Thursday, April 13, 2006

WarMongering Shame

George W. Bush, November 12, 2002:

"We don't know how close he is today, but a Saddam Hussein with a nuclear weapon is a grave, grave threat to America and our friends and allies.

George W. Bush, January 16, 2006:

"Iran armed with a nuclear weapon poses a grave threat to the security of the world."

Donald Rumsfeld, September 19, 2002:

". . . No terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people than the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq."

George W. Bush, March 16, 2006:

"We may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran."

Do you see what they are saying? It's the same rhetoric, over and over and over and over. If we fuck with Iran, we will get what is coming to us. Stirring up dissent and civil wars is not the answer. If we are leaders of peace, then we should act like it.

Folks, two wars under Dubya. Two. Afghanistan and Iraq. No one talks about Afghanistan anymore. Yet we still are fighting a war over there. I daresay that all of the people with yellow "support our troops" stickers can even spell Afghanistan. Okay, okay, that's not fair and a bit underhanded, but, in all fairness, I am becoming overwhelmed with the state of our planet.....

What if we didn't "support our troops"? What if every soldier laid down guns and bombs and refused to be a patsy for the sheiks and presidents? What if we walked away from the battlefields and threw our landmines and our IEDs to the ether? What if every person that really believes in freedom would stop being a part of the systematic destruction fueled by power, greed, and money? What would happen if every soldier on the planet became a conscienous objector and sat down to have a meal with the alleged enemy and learned that we are the same?

They can't make wars without people to sacrifice. If you really have a dream and really want to see something changed about the way you live, you can't make it happen by killing people. That's what the rich and powerful want- to control you, muslim, jew, xtian, pagan, whatever.

No Soldier = No War

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