Wednesday, August 01, 2007

More on the Chief Justice’s Seizure

Update, 11:32 AM Katie Zezima of The Times’s Boston bureau just filed this report from Rockport, Maine:

ROCKPORT, Me., July 31 – Chief Justice John Roberts was released from a hospital here late Tuesday morning after being kept overnight as a “precaution” following a seizure, hospital officials said.

Mr. Roberts, clad in a navy sportcoat, blue shirt and khaki pants, walked out of Penobscot Bay Medical Center around 11:20 a.m. Looking jovial, Mr. Roberts exited the hospital’s ambulance entrance, waved to a crowd of waiting media and stepped into a waiting red Ford Expedition. The car, trailed by a beige Crown Victoria, quickly pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

Hospital officials did not release any additional information on Mr. Roberts, who doctors said suffered a benign idiopathic seizure.

The AWD writes: There is only one possible explaination for the dishonourable justice's seizure..... God hates John Roberts.

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