Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Alert! Alert!

Websense, an Internet filtering program, has just
expanded their control of information in the U.S. by not allowing blogs and social networking at hundreds of public libraries, colleges and universities across the country.

Saudi Arabia, Yemen and China have also used Websense to prevent "blogging" and social
networking in their countries. We can not get to any blog on blogspot.com from our college without
triggering our filters.

This move comes at a time when upcoming election are a hot topic on these blogs. If
you are not familiar with Websense, Wikipedia has an excellent entry.

The AWD writes: It's a fucking shame that our civil liberties are diminishing at an accelerated rate. Who knew that the Internet would have created it's own demise? Well, you probably cannot read this anyway, especially if you are at a public library. Dog help us if we cannot have freedom of thought and expression of thought. It's not just Amerika that is suffering. Where is peace? Where is compassion? How will we ever "progress" if we keep getting medieval???

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