Friday, December 16, 2005

The Capitalisttemple

Big companies and advertisers are not overlooking the profitability of the religious youth market. Bill Graening, director of the Alive Festival, said that with nearly 25 big festivals a year, there were probably 2 million to 3 million kids in attendance, and the numbers are growing.

Graening said he and several other festival directors recently talked about working together to market the events, and Graening said he'd been contacted by several large companies interested in sponsoring the Alive Festival.

"Companies are seeing the size of the youth evangelical market growing, with growing disposable income, growing education," Schofield-Clark said. "They're seeing the evangelical Christian market as a viable market."

From: on December 15th, 2005, by Jonann Brady

I saw a sign about a CHRISTmas Sale this AM..... do you reckon that Jesus would empty the capitalisttemple coffers of our modern businesses? Christianity, as it is practiced in amerika, dupes people into not being responsible for themselves, each other, or the planet. And, as the snip from the article above states, young Christians are merely an untapped market in the capitalisttemple. I'll tell you anything to make a dollar, because that's my bottom line! Sure! Jesus loves you! And! He loves you even more for every ticket you buy!

Just pondering *ahem* aloud, like I sometimes do..... Christimas as we know it is a commercial entity, born in the 1920's. And even an amateur theologian, like myself, knows damn well that Jesus would have been born around June. So, when our legislators work hard to establish exactly what Christmas means, I wonder what the true objective is? Certainly, it won't be a logical decision based on our actual his-stories. It will only be the cement that holds the capitalisttemple together. Praise Jesus. Now give me a fuckin' dollar.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Do something nice with your money.....

So, I found this story about a little kid from Haiti named Marlie Casseus this morning. She's got some serious health issues going on.... very disfigured because of her disease, and it's imapacting her ability to even eat and breathe. Interesting thing is, the article does not mention how in the hell you are supposed to try and help her out, if one is so inclined.

Well, after a little bit of research, I found the International Kids Fund. They are taking donations on her behalf, as well as other kids around the planet in serious need. Surgeons are donating their time and resources for Marlie. If you are interested in learning how you can help, click here.

She's in one hell of a mess..... that's why I thought I would step offa my soapbox today. I can do better than just bitch about the state of society, culture, and pollytix in amerika.


Monday, December 12, 2005


In September 2002, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recommended gubernatorial clemency for Williams, who is currently awaiting the final appellate decision.....

He will be dead in a few hours..... Yeah, I know. He killed some people. And he founded one of the worst gangs, ever. But he has worked to teach others a different way so that they will not end up on his path, and that is courageous. His potential will be extinguished by the state at 12.01 tonight.

Whatta shame...... Fuck you Schwarzenegger.

Monday, December 05, 2005

me, the universe, SUVs and crosswalks collide

It happenend to me again this morning. Someone tried to run over me in a crosswalk with an SUV. And then he gets mad about his poor little car getting punched by a pissed off muthafucka like me. And then he cusses me out. And then I cuss him out and we both have a really bad start to our fucking day.

To me, it seems logical that people driving cars should be careful around pedestrians. After all, we are not the ones in protective metal cages. And it seems that it would be logical to let a pedestrian cross in front of you, after you have stopped at the stop sign, to let them cross safely.

Hey, you know what? That shit isn't only fucking logical, it's the god damn mutha fuckin' law..... So tell me, why don't 'news' programs do civic-minded things and remind the cagedrivers about pedestrian law..... that pedestrians have the right of way?

Ah, but I'm just a crunchy old angrywoofdog. The assfuckholes driving their SUfuckingVs are more important than me in the grand scheme of Amerikan society. They must drive and breed and watch football games. They are using up the earth's resources faster than George W. Bu$h can say "Daddy, I need some money."

Fuck them. I am important and I will keep on defending my space inside of crosswalks, and I vow keep on trying to punch the windows out of their precious cars as they try to kill me. If I do in fact, die trying to walk across a street, maybe the assFuckHoles will learn to be a bit more fucking considerate with their cages.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

"When any law enforcement officer tells you to do something or not to do something, you do exactly what you're told," Rolon said. "If you do something different, you're in violation. ... I'm not one of your kids. I'm not one of your homies. I'm not one of your friends. I am not afraid of any one of you or all of you put together. And if you want to play with me I will play back."

"And law enforcement officers always win."

This is a statement from PigOfficer Roberto Rolon. See this article for more information.

Just as I've always suspected, those that supposedly enforce laws are just frustrated bullies. You's a big bad mothafucker to put handcuffs on a fucking 13 year old.

We all need to cultivate a healthy level of discontent for shit like this. Amerika is so close to turning into a fascist state. Who knows how much shit like this happens all over the country? This incident cannot be solitary.